Fast, Courteous, Confidential, & No Credit Checks.
What is a Bail Bond?
A bail bond is the get out of jail “free” card! Amigo Bail provides the bond you need to pay your bail fees & not spend another moment longer in jail.

How much does a bail bond cost?
Good news! Our Bail Bond fees are the lowest in El Paso. We have created a system that allows us to provide you with the money you need, at the lowest rate. And the best news yet…No credit check is required to obtain our services!
How does a bail bond work?
The bail bond serves as the guarantee for a defendant’s appearance in court. If the defendant fails to appear in court at all required hearings, Amigo Bail Bonds is obligated to pay the entire amount of bail set in the defendant’s case.
Get a bail bond for a loved one?
To post bail, you will need to make arrangements with a bail bond company. Once you have completed all the details of your arrangement, the bail agent will post the bond at the Detention Facility to secure the release of the defendant.